Is is reasonable to use last years gas in an outboard?... I am usually very meticulous to get fresh gas every year, and make sure I ran the carb dry with the choke on the previous year before storage.
Unfortunately, I have about 12 gals of mixed fuel for my 1961 75hp Johnson that is several months old.... I had thought I would get the boat out one more time before storing it in early Oct. However, I may not make it, and I hate to throw away that much gas, let along figure out how to get rid of it.
I don't know if I can dribble a gal once in a while in my garden tractors, or try Stabil, which I have never used, and then run my Johnson next spring with it. I don't want to do anything stupid and plug up the carbs to save $30 in gas, but fuel moves through so quickly, it may not hurt... Especially, if I mix half/half old/new gas.
Anybody have any comments.... ? Next time I will wait until I am sure I am ready to go, before adding oil...
One more thing... I try to get non ethanol gas... does that seem to matter to anyone..?
Thanks guys.
Shelf Life of Gas
Moderators: a j r, TDockside, Miles, Moderators
gas storage
I think if you add stabilizer and make sure the tank is full you will be OK.